Incoming SRSU Students Give Their First Impressions 

By Dawson Beard, Skyline Reporter

ALPINE - The 2023 Sully Startup was held on July 28, and brought with it a group of eager and fresh-faced incoming Lobos who were experiencing Sul Ross State University and the small town of Alpine for the first time. 

The Skyline wanted to get to know the incoming students and hear their first impressions of the campus and Alpine in general. Many of these new students feared the unknown. These fears were quickly quelled for most of them as soon as Sully Startup went underway.  

Such was the case with Odessa native Miranda Ortiz. 

“At first I was nervous about coming here, but there are just places that feel like home and Alpine already feels like home. I want to study animal science, and I considered going to schools like Texas A&M or UTPB, but there are a lot more people there. Here there are less people, so I have more opportunities for hands-on learning,” Ortiz said. 

While many students were experiencing a drastic change in their environment, there were also those who came to Sul Ross to keep their environment the same. Incoming freshman, Destiny Alanis, is from El Dorado and wished to remain in the small, quiet setting to which she is accustomed. 

“[Alpine] is a small, welcoming town. The school is very welcoming and the view is super nice. I wanted to stay in a small town, and I was interested in the law program, so Sul Ross felt like the perfect choice,” Alanis said. 

There were also a select few students who have found their way back home to Alpine after many years away. While speaking with Mario Serrano of San Antonio, he told me his story of how he grew up in Alpine, moved away, and then found his way back for college. 

“I grew up here, moved to Midland when I was 11, and then San Antonio later on. I moved back to Alpine knowing I would be closer to family. This is my hometown. I love it here! This is a beautiful place. It keeps your head right and keeps you from getting distracted,” Serrano said. 

Whether it is a student leaving home for the first time or a student who has found their way back home to Alpine, the positive attitudes of Sul Ross’ newly enrolled Lobos should lead to another successful school year. 


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