The Next Step in the Master Plan
By Viviana Sanchez, Skyline Reporter
Illustration By Alyn Covington, Skyline Cartoonist
ALPINE- Sul Ross State University launched a major $26 million project to expand its Fine Arts facilities and renovate the Fletcher Hall dormitory.
The project is in the schematic design phase and the University has hired Banes General Contractors, Inc. as their contractor with the architects coming from BRW Architects, Inc.
A large amount of the $26 million budget will be allotted to the expansion of the Fine Arts Facility. This expansion will include the transformation of the old Porter’s building on 5th Street, as well as making some much-needed updates to Kokernot Theater. The hope is to create a space that is more modernized and usable for theater production and accessible to the public.
The newly updated Fine Arts facilities are expected to, not only to meet the needs of current students, but also enhance student recruitment within the Fine Arts program.
In addition to the Fine Arts expansion the Fletcher Hall Dorms will undergo a $2 million renovation. According to Vice President of Student Affairs Ben Telesca, the need for new and updated student housing is crucial to accommodate the increased student enrollment.
This renovation will not involve a total demolition of the buildings, but will instead be a refresher. Modernized bathrooms will be included in the renovation to better meet students' needs, though students will still share a bedroom with one other person and a bathroom with an adjoining suite.
Long awaited updates include air conditioning systems being replaced with units similar to those found in hotels, rather than the existing window units. Like Lobo Villages 1 and 2, Fletcher Hall will feature brand new laundry units that will be free for student use in a common area.
Students can also expect upgraded dressers and closets, providing improved storage to better meet their needs.
With the current budget and enrollment numbers at Sul Ross, Telesca indicated that renovating buildings such as Mountainside, which would cost millions more, would not be feasible at this time, making the decision to update Fletcher Hall a more practical and beneficial choice.
Fletcher Hall will remain a low-cost and budget-friendly housing option for students in comparison to the Lobo Villages, and it is expected to be ready for occupancy by the Fall semester of 2025.