OPINION: Baldoni V. Lively: A Loss for Women No Matter Who Wins
By: Maya Tinajero, Skyline Desk Chief
ALPINE – 2024 box office success, “It Ends With Us,” has become the setting of ongoing lawsuits between the film’s two leading actors. With all the scandals occurring, the public quickly shared their thoughts on social media. From videos to comment sections, it seems as if everyone has something to say regarding the fallout. However, no matter who's claims are proven true, women everywhere are losing powerful representation.

OPINION: The Threat a Trump Administration Poses to Women
By: Maya Tinajero, Skyline Reporter
ALPINE – “Your body, my choice. Forever,” white supremacist, misogynist and avid supporter of former President Donald Trump Nick Fuentes posted on his X account moments after the presidential election was called in favor of Trump. Some might characterize his comments as satire. But to many women, who are watching their reproductive rights slip away, it’s salt in the wound.
OPINION: The Unfair Stigma of Being a Male Survivor
By Maya Tinajero, Skyline Reporter
ALPINE – October is Domestic Abuse Awareness Month, and while a lot of much-needed attention in focused on female survivors of such heinous actions, there is a severe lack of support for male survivors.
OPINION: Political Rhetoric Has Become Too Extreme
By Dawson Beard, Skyline Editor
ALPINE – It’s an election year, and that means that local, state, and federal politicians are all reaching for the proverbial brass ring of winning their respective elections. That also means ramping up the fear mongering, mudslinging, and inflammatory rhetoric to appease their constituents, sway undecided portions of the electorate, and prey on ignorant voters.
OPINION: Pro-Palestine Campus Protests
By Dawson Beard, Skyline Desk Chief
ALPINE - Typically, when I write these editorials, I know exactly how I feel about the topic beforehand, and I can articulate my opinions in writing quite easily. However, when it comes to the recent spread of pro-Palestine campus protests across the United States, I find myself at a crossroads.
OPINION: SRSU Witchcraft Course, Con
By Dawson Beard, Skyline Desk Chief
ALPINE - This semester, Rosemary Briseño is teaching a course titled Witches and Witchcraft in American Literature, joining other major universities who have implemented similar courses.
OPINION: SRSU Witchcraft Course, Pro
By Brooke Manuel, Skyline Editor
ALPINE - As someone who is intrigued by different religions and types of spirituality, I take the time to educate myself on certain practices. I find the recent integration of courses studying witches and witchcraft at universities across the country timely and opportune.
OPINION: Why Does Elon Musk Get So Much Hate?
By Dawson Beard, Skyline Desk Chief
ALPINE - I was driving by Skelton’s Runway on my way to campus the other day when I noticed new Tesla charging stations had been installed in the area. This got me thinking about the genius of Elon Musk and how much I appreciate all the good he has done for the future of automobiles, among other things. However, it also got me thinking about how not everyone feels the same way I do about Elon Musk, not by a longshot.
OPINION: When Does Inclusion Become Exclusion?
By Dawson Beard, Skyline Desk Chief
ALPINE - Sul Ross State University joined in the efforts of universities across the country to foster a more “inclusive” environment by swapping out the traditional Homecoming King and Queen titles for the titles of Homecoming Royalty. While on the surface this seems like an inclusive initiative, I would argue that it’s anything but.
Valentine’s Day
By Dawson Beard, Skyline Columnist
Valentine's Day. A day to fill the hearts of those you love the most and to line the pockets of greeting card, candy, jewelry, and floral companies.
TikTok Ban: Government Overreach or Needed Security?
By Dawson Beard, Skyline Columnist
SUL ROSS- At present, 27 states have banned the Chinese-owned video sharing app, TikTok, from use on government issued devices. Although many find the ban ridiculous, I see it, simply, as a crucial and proactive security measure.
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Tips and Tricks to Help Fight the Funk
By Brooke Manuel, Skyline Editor
ALPINE - Although the topic of mental health is more mainstream nowadays, society could better educate us on mental illnesses and how to keep ourselves from falling into that funk that we all know, especially during this time of year when many people are suffering from seasonal affective disorder.
Student Debt Forgiveness Program
By Dawson Beard, Skyline Columnist
Once again, Joe Biden has shown complete disregard for the United States Constitution with the unveiling of his new federal student debt forgiveness program.