Opinions, Editorials Brooke Manuel Opinions, Editorials Brooke Manuel

OPINION: SRSU Witchcraft Course, Pro

By Brooke Manuel, Skyline Editor

ALPINE - As someone who is intrigued by different religions and types of spirituality, I take the time to educate myself on certain practices. I find the recent integration of courses studying witches and witchcraft at universities across the country timely and opportune.

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Brooke Manuel Brooke Manuel

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Dear mom,

Thank you for being so supportive, caring, and an amazing mom! Happy Valentine’s Day mama! We all love you <3

Kylie Garcia

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Other Brooke Manuel Other Brooke Manuel

2024 New Year’s Resolutions

“I really don’t have a specific resolution...but I have a goal to try and focus more on my overall health. Start to be active again, and try to eat better food.”

-Melissa Schenkman, Assistant Director of Transfer Initiatives

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Snag Your Copy of the 2023 Sage Now&nbsp;
News Brooke Manuel News Brooke Manuel

Snag Your Copy of the 2023 Sage Now 

By Brooke Manuel, Skyline Editor

ALPINE – The 2023 edition of the Sage, Sul Ross State University’s art and literature magazine, has been distributed across campus, and submissions for the 2024 edition are now open.

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Young Mother Paves the Road to Vet School&nbsp;
Features Brooke Manuel Features Brooke Manuel

Young Mother Paves the Road to Vet School 

By Brooke Manuel, Skyline Editor

ALPINE – Starting college in the middle of the pandemic with a five-month-old baby to take care of was a lot to juggle, but despite the obstacles she faced, Ashley Maldonado, a recent Sul Ross State University graduate, finished her bachelor’s degree with honors and accomplished a multitude of things along the way.

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A Skyline Year in Review of 2023&nbsp;
News Brooke Manuel News Brooke Manuel

A Skyline Year in Review of 2023 

By Dawson Beard, Skyline Desk Chief

ALPINE - Another year has come and gone. As we patiently await what 2024 has in store, let’s take a look at what happened over the last year.

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News Brooke Manuel News Brooke Manuel

Workshop: Gain Confidence On Camera 

By Brooke Manuel, Skyline Editor

ALPINE – In partnership with Gain Confidence on Camera, Sul Ross State University is hosting a series of workshops that aim to teach students how to look confident on camera for online interviews.

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Editorials, Opinions Brooke Manuel Editorials, Opinions Brooke Manuel

OPINION: Why Does Elon Musk Get So Much Hate? 

By Dawson Beard, Skyline Desk Chief

ALPINE - I was driving by Skelton’s Runway on my way to campus the other day when I noticed new Tesla charging stations had been installed in the area. This got me thinking about the genius of Elon Musk and how much I appreciate all the good he has done for the future of automobiles, among other things. However, it also got me thinking about how not everyone feels the same way I do about Elon Musk, not by a longshot.

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News Brooke Manuel News Brooke Manuel

Security Staff Down to One Officer: Are Students Safe?

By Brooke Manuel, Skyline Editor

ALPINE – After 11 years of service to the Sul Ross community, Kent Dunegan, the former director of public safety, says he was forced into retirement over the summer. Multiple SRSU officers followed in his departure, leaving the university police force currently with only one officer.

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Drag Show Debate Sparks Online Controversy&nbsp;
News Brooke Manuel News Brooke Manuel

Drag Show Debate Sparks Online Controversy 

By Dawson Beard, Skyline Desk Chief

ALPINE – Sul Ross State University’s Pre-Law Association sparked online controversy with the announcement of their next debate topic, “Are drag shows harmful to kids?,” on social media.

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News Brooke Manuel News Brooke Manuel

America’s Shame: The Silent Tragedy of Indigenous Women (Part Two)

By Brooke Manuel, Skyline Editor

ALPINE – What began as a fun filled night at the casino ended in tragedy for Georginda Pierce, a 38-year-old Navajo woman who lives in Farmington, New Mexico, when her boyfriend stabbed her with a broken beer bottle leaving her with a gaping hole and paralyzing a section of her face.

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Editorials, Opinions Brooke Manuel Editorials, Opinions Brooke Manuel

OPINION: When Does Inclusion Become Exclusion? 

By Dawson Beard, Skyline Desk Chief

ALPINE - Sul Ross State University joined in the efforts of universities across the country to foster a more “inclusive” environment by swapping out the traditional Homecoming King and Queen titles for the titles of Homecoming Royalty. While on the surface this seems like an inclusive initiative, I would argue that it’s anything but.

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