Eliya Alvidrez Eliya Alvidrez

Conoce tus derechos: Redadas de Inmigración

Por Viviana Sánchez, reportera de Skyline

ALPINE – En las últimas semanas, las redadas de ICE se han vuelto cada vez más frecuente en los Estados Unidos. En estos tiempos es importante conocer tus derechos y las acciones adecuadas a tomar en cuenta en caso de que los agentes de ICE se presentan en tu casa, lugar de trabajo o escuela. A continuación, te presentamos lo que necesitas saber para protegerte a ti y a tus seres queridos.

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Editorials Eliya Alvidrez Editorials Eliya Alvidrez

OPINION: Baldoni V. Lively: A Loss for Women No Matter Who Wins

By: Maya Tinajero, Skyline Desk Chief

ALPINE – 2024 box office success, “It Ends With Us,” has become the setting of ongoing lawsuits between the film’s two leading actors. With all the scandals occurring, the public quickly shared their thoughts on social media. From videos to comment sections, it seems as if everyone has something to say regarding the fallout. However, no matter who's claims are proven true, women everywhere are losing powerful representation.

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12 Hours Without Tik Tok
News Eliya Alvidrez News Eliya Alvidrez

12 Hours Without Tik Tok

By: Eliya Alvidrez, Skyline Reporter

ALPINE And just like that on January 18th, all 170 million TikTok users in the United States were no longer able to access the application. But the next day, President Trump flip flopped and reversed the order against the Chinese-owned company.

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News Eliya Alvidrez News Eliya Alvidrez

Know Your Rights: Immigration Raids  

By Skyline Reporter Viviana Sanchez  

ALPINE- In recent weeks, ICE raids have continued to become more common in the United States. During these times it is crucial to understand your rights and the proper steps to take if ICE agents approach you at your home, workplace, or school. Here is what you need to know to protect yourself and your loved ones. 

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News Eliya Alvidrez News Eliya Alvidrez

BREAKING: New Technologies and Covered Applications Prohibited on University-Owned Devices

By: Eliya Alvidrez, Skyline Editor

ALPINE - Starting on February 14th, Sul Ross will be required to expand its restrictions regarding the use of technologies, covered applications, and technology service providers. Governor Gregg Abbott has instructed the Department of Information Resources to update their Prohibited Technologies list to include new additions.

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Spanish Dawson Beard Spanish Dawson Beard

OPINION- La Amenaza que Representa la Administración Trump para las Mujeres 

Por Maya Tinajero, Reportera de Skyline 

ALPINE – “Tu cuerpo, mi elección. Para siempre”, publicó en su cuenta X el supremacista blanco, misógino y codicioso partidario del expresidente Donald Trump, Nick Fuentes, momentos después de que se convocara la elección presidencial a favor de Trump. Algunos podrían caracterizar sus comentarios como burla. Pero para muchas mujeres, que ven cómo se pierden sus derechos humanos reproductivos, esto es como echar sal en la herida. 

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News Dawson Beard News Dawson Beard

SRSU Addresses Accessibility Challenges

By Gisselle Rueda, Skyline Reporter

ALPINE- Sul Ross State University has been criticized for its lack of accessibility on campus and lukewarm compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.   

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OPINION: The Threat a Trump Administration Poses to Women  
Editorials Dawson Beard Editorials Dawson Beard

OPINION: The Threat a Trump Administration Poses to Women  

By: Maya Tinajero, Skyline Reporter 

ALPINE – “Your body, my choice. Forever,” white supremacist, misogynist and avid supporter of former President Donald Trump Nick Fuentes posted on his X account moments after the presidential election was called in favor of Trump. Some might characterize his comments as satire. But to many women, who are watching their reproductive rights slip away, it’s salt in the wound.  

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Vaping Concerns Continue to Grow in Alpine Schools 
News, Features Dawson Beard News, Features Dawson Beard

Vaping Concerns Continue to Grow in Alpine Schools 

By: Lillian Stewart, Skyline Intern and Eliya Alvidrez, Skyline Reporter 

ALPINE - Students vaping on school grounds has become a significant issue and Alpine High School is no exception. Serious health problems can emerge as a result of prolonged vaping and pose a significant threat to students. Efforts to curb the usage of vape devices on school grounds have proven ineffective as the problem persists. 

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Spanish Dawson Beard Spanish Dawson Beard

ÚLTIMA HORA: La Universidad Estatal de Sul Ross solicita a la junta un cambio de nombre

Por Dawson Beard, editor de Skyline

ALPINE – El presidente de la Universidad Estatal de Sul Ross, Carlos Hernández, anunció el lunes que se presentó una moción oficial a la Junta de Regentes para cambiar el nombre de la Universidad Estatal de Sul Ross a “Universidad Estatal Internacional de Sul Ross” a partir del 1 de enero de 2025.

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News Dawson Beard News Dawson Beard

BREAKING: Sul Ross State University Asks Board For Name Change 

By Dawson Beard, Skyline Editor

ALPINE – Sul Ross State University President Carlos Hernandez announced Monday that an official motion has been submitted to the Board of Regents to change the name of Sul Ross State University to “Sul Ross State University International” beginning on Jan. 1, 2025. 

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New Skyline Editor and Desk Chief 
News Dawson Beard News Dawson Beard

New Skyline Editor and Desk Chief 

ALPINE – With current Skyline Editor-In-Chief Dawson Beard graduating in December, the Skyline has named Skyline Reporter Eliya Alvidrez as his successor. In addition, Skyline Reporter Maya Tinajero has been named the new Desk Chief, a position that has been vacant since Summer 2024. This transition will mark the first time since Spring 2023 that the Skyline will have two women occupying the top leadership positions of the publication. 

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Following in His Footsteps: Continuing My Grandfather's Skyline Legacy 
Features, Style Dawson Beard Features, Style Dawson Beard

Following in His Footsteps: Continuing My Grandfather's Skyline Legacy 

By Dawson Beard, Skyline Editor

ALPINE - When I was first asked by Skyline Faculty Advisor Sid Balman to join the newspaper staff in 2022, my initial response was a less-than-enthusiastic, “I’ll think about it.” I never had any intention of becoming a journalist to that point, much less finding myself in my current position as Skyline Editor-In-Chief. However, what inevitably sent me on this two-year-long journalistic journey was a simple statement of fact from my mother when I told her about the offer: “Poopie worked with the Skyline, too.” 

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News Dawson Beard News Dawson Beard

Sul Ross Election Poll: Men Favor Trump; Women Evenly Split 

By Eric Loy, Skyline Reporter 

ALPINE – Sul Ross State University male students, almost a third identifying as Hispanic, said in a recent campus poll that they plan to vote for former President Donald Trump, while female students were evenly split between Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris and undecided. 

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